Panther Update and Information-Week Fourteen
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Amazement |
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Thank you Safeway! |
Stuff the Bus 2012-The Stuff the Bus weigh-in occurs the evening of December 7, which means we only have a few days left to collect items. You are invited to drop off non-perishable canned or boxed foods, household supplies and unwrapped toys at any Washougal school. The event ends December 7.
Quiznos is giving a
$.50 donation to Stuff the Bus for each sandwich sold. Your student will be
bringing home the coupon you need to present to the cashier. You must
have the coupon with you for proceeds to go to Stuff the Bus. This opportunity ends Sunday, December 2.
Farrell Farms is supporting the Stuff the Bus event
by giving $5.00 off a tree for bringing two cans of food or more this weekend
(December 1 & 2).
you have any questions about this event please contact Jim Reed at
954-3133. You can also visit the Camas-Washougal Business Alliance
website for additional information as well as how you can help at http://www.cwbusinessalliance.com/stuffthebus.html
Family Access for Parents & Students-One of the most effective ways for us to share information
with our families is through email within Skyward. In order for that to work
we need your most updated email address as well as your student’s email address.
If we do not have the necessary information or you need to change your personal
information in Skyward, such as address, phone number, etc., please contact Ann
Jendro at 954-3169 or via email at ann.jendro@washougalsd.org. Using skyward, you will be able to see your
student’s attendance, grades, calendars, any notifications teachers may post,
as well as assignments and/or missing assignments your student may have.
Aid Night (Tuesday, Dec 4th @ 6:00 p.m.)-For students who are considering trade school, community
college or a 4-year university there will be a presentation for both students
and parents Tuesday, December 4 starting at 6:00 pm. A representative from
Financial Aid office will be presenting and answering all of your questions.
See you on December 4 at 6:00 p.m. in the WHS band room.
2 Weeks-We have two weeks of uninterrupted
learning ahead of us. Our winter break starts officially on
December 17, but between now and then we only have full days of school.
As we do, please continue to encourage your students to spend time at home
working on their work. If your student has nothing to work on, please check
skyward or contact your student’s teacher(s) to verify. You should be
receiving more communication from WHS staff as we are becoming more and more
familiar Message Center. If we do not have your must updated email
address please contact Ann Jendro at 954-3169 or via email and ann.jendro@washougalsd.org.
Advisor Council (PAC)- The minutes from the November 26 PAC meeting will be posted on
our website next week. If you want to
know what we talked about please visit http://www.washougal.k12.wa.us/whs/schoolinformation/pac.htm. Our next meeting will be Monday, January 28,
Sports-Our basketball
teams have started competitions. The girls have had two games and are currently 2-0. The boys have had three games and are currently 2-1. They had a tough game against Battle Ground Friday night. Our Girls and
Boys Wrestling teams will have tournaments Saturday, December 1. If you have questions about winter sports
contact Doug Cox, Athletic Director at 954-3104. You can see the practice
schedules on our Sports calendar. The Sports calendar can be found under the
Calendar heading on our website (www.washougal.k12.wa.us/whs).
play a big role in our success-We are thankful for the support we receive from our Panther
Parents and Community. Through your volunteer work you touch the lives of
every child at Washougal High School. There are many opportunities to get
involved and we encourage you to find your niche. Some of the different
service areas for adults here at Washougal HS are as follows:
Join the WHS Booster Club-Call Aaron Hansen at 954-3101
Volunteer as a Winter Formal dance chaperone-Contact Kelly Gregersen at
Volunteer in the library-Contact Kim Dillon at 954-3123 or 954-3129
Volunteer to tutor students during or after school-Contact Marsha
Spencer, CTE Director and Career
Specialist at 954-3121
Volunteer to serve on a committee-Contact Aaron Hansen at 954-3101
Help with the Grad Night Committee-Contact Christina Mackey at 954-3114.
School Help and Computer Availability-All teachers are available from 2:30-2:55 after school. It is
best if students communicate with their teacher to schedule after school
assistance. The WGIL (Whole Group Instruction Lab) is available after school
from 2:30-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday. The Career Center (7 computers) is
available from 2:30-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday. The library is available from
2:30-3:00 pm, Monday-Friday.
Math Support
http://my.hrw.com/-This link is tied to the same textbook WHS students use and has video, interactive lessons, and quizzes on each less.
brighstorm.com-Includes great visual lessons on math concepts that students often get stuck on.
Khanacademy.org-Another option to help students understand math concepts.
hotmath.com-Math support that helps explain concepts in different ways.
learnzillion.com/.Easy to understand short videos for students, teachers and parents interested in understanding potentially tough concepts.
www.algebralab.org-An algebra specific site.
mathflix.luc.edu/-User friendly videos led by a teacher doing the work step by step.
1 SAT Test-Contact Counseling Center for
more information
1 Girls Wrestling @ Yelm (Tornado
Invite-10:00 am)
1 Boys Wrestling @ Estacada (Ranger
Invite-10:00 am)
3 Senior Research Papers Due---CHECK
with your Senior!!!!
3 Boys Basketball vs Hudson’s Bay
4 Girls Basketball vs Hudson’s Bay
4 Chamber Choir @ Grotto (6:-00-7:00)
4 Chamber Choir @ Grotto (6:-00-7:00)
4 WHS Financial Aid Night, Band Room
5 Knowledge Bowl Meet @ Columbia
Adventist Academy (12:00-6:30)
6 Boys Basketball vs Terry Fox
7 Stuff the Bus Finale @ Exterior Woods
7 Boys Basketball @ Evergreen HS
8 Girls Wrestling @ Judi Emry (Foss HS)
8 Wrestling- JV Boys @ Battle Ground
8 Girls Basketball @ Hudson’s Bay
11 WHS Choir Concert, Washburn Auditorium (7:00)
11 Girls Basketball vs Union (5:30/5:30/7:00)
11 Boys Basketball vs Centralia (5:30/5:30/7:00)
12 Boys C-team vs Union (4:00)
12 Girls Basketball vs Ft. Vancouver (5:30/5:30/7:00)
13 WHS Band Concert, Washburn Auditorium (7:00)
14 Holiday Blue Note Café, Washburn Auditorium (7:00)
14 Wrestling Varsity @ Hammerhead Invite (Central Kitsap)
15 Wrestling-Freshman/Novice Tournament @ Mt. View HS
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