Saturday, December 7, 2013

WHS Panther Week of December 9 - 13

School Safety - Having a safe school does not happen automatically. It requires the collaboration and support of students, staff, parents, and the community.  Our ultimate goal is to provide a safe, secure, drug-free and welcoming environment for our students and staff to learn and work.  Additionally, we want to provide an environment in which staff and students respect and trust each other and all students feel connected, understand expectations and receive the support they need. Below is a list of preventative measures that we want you to be aware of and consider how you can help. 

Limited access to school building (designated entrance with all other access points locked from the exterior) - We are currently locking the south doors at 8:00 am.  We unlock them for both lunches and then lock them again during the afternoon.  The reason we are doing this is to limit the access to the school building.  The front door will be the only one open throughout the day.   We are asking students to not purposely block a door from shutting completely.  We are asking students to not leave items in a vehicle in the parking lot that will be needed during the day.  If students do need access to the parking lot during the day make sure a staff member is aware.  Students who are caught forcing the doors open will be charged by Washougal Police Department.  Students who do not comply with the above mentioned expectations are compromising school safety and will be dealt with by administration.

Monitoring and supervision of student common areas such as hallways, cafeteria and parking lot - All students should be reporting to a staff member/classroom each period.  Students should have a pass when in the halls during class time.  During both lunches students should eat and remain in the cafeteria unless planning to go to a teacher’s classroom or the library.  It is much easier to monitor one location than the entire building.  There are parts of the building that are off limits.  Students should not be in the back hall or the upper gym unless with a class that is being supervised by a staff member.

Presence of school resource officers, and/or security - We have a full-time School Resource Officer for the district and security personnel.  Officer Ryan Castro and Mike Taylor have an office in the main office and are available to students and staff throughout the day.  They can be contacted via email at and mike.taylor

Monitoring of school guests - We expect all guests to report to the main office, sign-in and wear a badge.  This includes former students, parent volunteers, etc.  We expect visitors to enter the building through the front doors. We do not want students or staff letting individuals into the building through other doors. Students may not know all of the staff members in the building, but they should be able to recognize a staff member by the staff badge being worn.

Students have a responsibility for their part in maintaining safe school environment - Maintaining a safe school environment is everyone’s responsibility.  The most impactful way students can contribute to maintaining a safe school environment include:
  • Volunteer to serve on the safety committee (If any student is interested in being part of our Safety Committee, please contact Mike Taylor)
  • Become advocates for programs/clubs that support a safe and healthy school climate (Be the Change, Reader's Club, Interact, etc)
  • Reduce conflict situations rather than making them worse. Practice good citizenship, and treat peers and staff with respect.
  • Report weapon possession, drug use or sale, bullying threats or intimidation, victimization, and/or vandalism to school authorities and parents.
  • Learn the consequences of alcohol, drug, and gun use and the methods for resisting alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Use this understanding to help other students avoid alcohol or drug use or seek help if they are already involved in alcohol or drugs.  We have a Prevention/Intervention Specialist on campus.  Julie Vanover can be reached at
  • Follow the school rules that are made for everyone, and recognize the consequences of violating the rules.
  • Encourage parents to come to the school and be involved in activities that support the school.
All School Assembly on Tuesday, December 10, 2013 - We will have an All School Assembly during Panther Time to celebrate Stuff-the-Bus, winning the Fox 12 and Les Schwab Tire Centers Toy Drive Challenge & Winter Sports.
2014 Winter End of Course Exam Plan - Students who have not met standard on the EOC1/EOC2 and/or EOC Biology exam will be testing Wednesday and Thursday after finals on January 29 & 30.  Transportation will be provided for those students testing.  For additional information regarding state assessment go to the following link:
  • EOC1 & EOC2 will be on January 29, 2014 from 12:00 - 2:25 pm
  • EOC Biology will be on January 30, 2014 from 12:00 - 2:25 pm
Collection of Evidence - For seniors completing a collection of evidence, the collections are due to the state January 22, 2014.  Students should be working on their collections after school.  January 7 & 16 students who have not completed their collection will have an opportunity to work on them during the school day.   In addition to completing a collection of evidence, seniors who have not met standard on all state assessments will have additional opportunities to retake each assessment.  There is no EOC Biology make-up for seniors because it is not a requirement for the graduating class of 2014.

Winter Vacation - Winter vacation begins on December 16.  School will be back in session on January 2, 2014. See the Sports Calendar for games during vacation....Sports Calendar

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

WHS Open House-Wednesday (August 28)

WHS Open House

I would like to invite students and parents to the WHS Open House, this Wednesday evening.  Open House is for students and parents who want to find out more about clubs and activities happening throughout the year at WHS.  It will also be a time for students and parents to meet the WHS staff.  Open House is not a mandatory event.

Counselors will be available to answer questions, but will not be doing schedule changes during Open House. Schedule changes will start the first day of school during the period there is a conflict or a hole in a student’s schedule. 

WHS Open House Schedule

5:30-6:00 pm                        Clubs, Activities & Sports-Commons
6:00-6:10 pm                        Quick Message by the Principal
6:20-6:30 pm                        1st Period
6:35-6:45 pm                        2nd Period
6:50-7:00 pm                        4th Period
7:05-7:15 pm                        5th Period
7:20-7:30 pm                        6th Period
7:35-7:45 pm                        7th Period

PE Classes-The PE staff will be meeting with students and parents in the upper gym.  We will have staff directing students and parents to the upper gym.

Building Map-We will have building maps available for students and parents.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Parent and Player Sport Meeting-Thursday, August 15

WHS & EHS Athletes and Parents,

There will be a Sports meeting for all WHS & EHS athletes and parents Thursday, August 15 starting at 5:30 pm in the WHS auditorium.  When you arrive at auditorium there will be a short message for all athletes and parents and then individual fall coaches will have separate meetings at different locations in the building.   

From 5:00-5:30 pm the ASB office will be open for processing paperwork and fees.

Each participant, prior to the first turnout must:

Have a current physical exam report on file in the school office.
Have proof of adequate insurance.
Have the Athletic Code and Concussion Forms signed .
Have a medical release on file in the office.
Have other sport specific forms on file in office if participating in those sports.
Purchase an ASB card. (non-refundable)
Have paid Participation Fee

Athletic Participation Fees

Participation fees are due in full before the team begins regularly scheduled practices.  Athletes will not be allowed to participate in practices until the fee is paid in full, or payment arrangements have been made through the ASB office. Refunds will be based on the guidelines stated in the athletic handbook.

Students who owe fines will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities until all items listed on their fine statements have been paid for or returned to the school.  The ASB Secretary does not have the authority to dismiss fines; therefore, fine disputes must be taken up with the person who assessed the fine or an administrator.

The Athletic Handbook and forms are available on the WHS website at

Sports Calendar Link: Sports Calendar

Friday, August 2, 2013

From the Principal’s Desk:

 I hope all Panther families are having an enjoyable summer.  Summer is always a great time to visit with family and friends, get out of town, go to the river, do yard work or complete some of those tasks that just don’t seem to get done or at least that is how it goes for me.

It is an honor and privilege to begin my fourth year as Principal at Washougal High School.  I look forward to working with the WHS community on continuing to improve our school.  This endeavor will be a team effort.  In order to ensure that every student acquires the skills, knowledge, and understanding necessary to be successful in a constantly changing and more diverse world, we will need to work together.

As we approach a new school year, please encourage your son or daughter to participate in some kind of activity beyond the school day.  WHS offers a wide variety of clubs and sports for students to join.  For parents or guardians, I encourage you to join our Booster Concession group and/or attend a PAC meeting.  PAC is made up of parents who provide tremendous insight to the building leadership team.  The Boosters Concessions group provides an opportunity for clubs, activities, classes and sports teams to earn money for their programs.  For information regarding the Booster group or PAC please contact the office at 954-3100. Together we can make the 2013-14 school year a success!


13-15 HSPE Retakes are scheduled for August 13-15. Writing is on Tuesday and Wednesday and Reading is on Thursday.  All juniors and seniors who have not met standard on the Reading and Writing HSPE should plan on attending.  The testing begins at 8:00 am.
13       Building Tour at 11:00, 1:00 & 3:00 (Tours start in the main entrance)
14       Building Tour at 11:00, 1:00 & 3:00 (Tours start in the main entrance)
15       Player & Parent Sport Orientation from 5:00-6:30 pm in auditorium
15       Building Tour 7:00 pm (Tours start in the main entrance)
19       WHS & ASB Office Open at 8:00 am-4:00 pm
26       PAC Meeting #1 starting at 6:30 pm in the WHS library
28       WHS Open House (6:00-7:30 pm)


3          9th Graders and New Student Orientation (7:55-9:55 a.m.)
3          1st Day of School
4          Picture Day for All Students

Basic Supplies For All Students/Classes

Students should have basic supplies the first day of school.  On the first day of class each teacher may make additional
requests for materials.

Backpack or book bag         Notebook paper         Spiral notebooks

3-Ring binders
                     Notebook dividers     Highlighters  
Folders                                  Graph Paper                Colored Pencils

All math classes require either a scientific or graphing calculator.  Algebra, Geometry, Applied Math and Financial Fitness require a scientific calculator.  Algebra II, Pre-Calculus and Calculus require a graphing calculator.  Students can check out graphing calculators from the ASB office, but will be charged if the calculator is not returned by the end of the year.  The following graphing calculator models are suggested:

   TI-83 Plus or Silver Edition
   TI-84 Plus or Silver Edition
   TI-89 (*Calculus Only)
   Casio fx-9750GII or fx-9860GII

(The calculators may be purchased at Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, Walmart, Target, Best Buy, etc. and are often on sale during the summer “back to school” promotions.)

HSPE and EOC Information

Students who have not met standard on one or more state high school exams have plenty of options. They should take the reading and writing HSPE in August and a math or biology EOC exam in January 2014. They can also use one of the Certificate of Academic Achievement (CAA) Options, or state-approved alternatives. Learn more by visiting  You can also visit for information on state testing.

State testing is just one of four graduation requirements your child must meet in order to earn a high school diploma. We encourage you to meet with your child’s counselor as early as possible to ensure your child is on track to graduate.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Senior Recap

2013 Senior Summary

I want to thank all of the seniors who were present Monday.  The information from the survey taken is so helpful.  The information from last question of the survey dealing with advice for underclassmen was shared at both 8th grade celebrations.  Your advice was tremendous. 

Graduation Recap-I felt very fortunate that we were able to have a beautiful day for graduation as it has rained or been cloudy each day since graduation.  Some of you have shared your thoughts about the ceremony.  I appreciate your feedback. It was important for me to recognize the many outstanding efforts of so many wonderful students. This has been a great class and we are very proud of them.

Graduation Program Mistakes & Additional Information-I wanted to publicly apologize to three of our students who were not recognized for their academic efforts.  Josh Banks, Lance Lijewski, and Jacob Bischoff should have been recognized as AP Scholars from the exams they took over the last three years.  It does not include test results from this year as we do not have those results.

  • AP Scholar-granted to students who receive scores of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams
             Lance Lijewski II

  • AP Scholar with Honor- Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more of these exams
             Joshua Banks

  • AP Scholar with Distinction- Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more of these exams
             Jacob Bischoff

  • Our Bootstrap, Citizenship & Mr. Orange & Black recipients will be receiving a $300 scholarship.

Go Panthers!