Monday, August 12, 2013

Parent and Player Sport Meeting-Thursday, August 15

WHS & EHS Athletes and Parents,

There will be a Sports meeting for all WHS & EHS athletes and parents Thursday, August 15 starting at 5:30 pm in the WHS auditorium.  When you arrive at auditorium there will be a short message for all athletes and parents and then individual fall coaches will have separate meetings at different locations in the building.   

From 5:00-5:30 pm the ASB office will be open for processing paperwork and fees.

Each participant, prior to the first turnout must:

Have a current physical exam report on file in the school office.
Have proof of adequate insurance.
Have the Athletic Code and Concussion Forms signed .
Have a medical release on file in the office.
Have other sport specific forms on file in office if participating in those sports.
Purchase an ASB card. (non-refundable)
Have paid Participation Fee

Athletic Participation Fees

Participation fees are due in full before the team begins regularly scheduled practices.  Athletes will not be allowed to participate in practices until the fee is paid in full, or payment arrangements have been made through the ASB office. Refunds will be based on the guidelines stated in the athletic handbook.

Students who owe fines will not be allowed to participate in extra-curricular activities until all items listed on their fine statements have been paid for or returned to the school.  The ASB Secretary does not have the authority to dismiss fines; therefore, fine disputes must be taken up with the person who assessed the fine or an administrator.

The Athletic Handbook and forms are available on the WHS website at

Sports Calendar Link: Sports Calendar

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