Saturday, January 5, 2013

Creating a Safe Place at WHS/EHS

As a result of a number of tragic events that occurred in December, the staff has been reviewing some of our procedures and practices around safety.  It is events that have recently happened that remind us all of the importance of promoting school safety by following procedures and reporting unusual or concerning behaviors. 

Our ultimate goal is to provide a safe place for our students and staff to learn and work.  We are interested in providing a caring school community in which staff and students respect and trust each other and all students feel connected, understand expectations and receive the support they need. 

Below is a list of preventative measures that I want you to be aware of and consider how you can help.  I have limited the list to a few items that I believe are well within our control and do not represent major changes to current practices.

1.  Limited access to school building (designated entrance with all other access points locked from the exterior).

We have started locking the south doors at 7:55 am.  We unlock them for both lunches and then lock them again during the afternoon.  The reason we are doing this is to limit the access to the school building.  The front door will be the only one open throughout the day.      
  • Please do not purposely block a door from shutting completely.
  • Please do not leave items in the student parking lot that you will need during the day.  If you need access to the parking lot during the day make sure a staff member is aware.

2.  Monitoring and supervision of student common areas such as hallways, cafeteria and parking lot.

All students should be reporting to a staff member each period.  Students should have a pass when in the halls during class time. 

During both lunches students should eat and remain in the cafeteria unless planning to go to a teacher’s classroom or the library.  It is much easier to monitor one location than the entire building. 

There are parts of the building that are off limits.  Students should not be in the back hall or the upper gym unless with a class that is being supervised by a staff member.

3.  Presence of school resource officers, and/or security guard.

We have a full-time School Resource Officer and Security.  Officer Ryan Castro and Mike Taylor have an office in the main office and are available to students and staff throughout the day.  

4.  Monitoring of school guests

We expect all guests to report to the main office, sign-in and wear a badge.  This includes former students, parent volunteers, etc.  We expect visitors to enter the building through the front doors. We do not want students or staff letting individuals into the building through other doors.

Students may not know all of the staff members in the building, but they should be able to recognize a staff member by the staff badge being worn.

5.  Students have a responsibility for their part in maintaining safe school environment.

Maintaining a safe school environment is everyone’s responsibility. We will be working with ASB to include in announcements safety information.  If any student(s) are interested in being part of our Safety Committee, please contact Mike Taylor.  

The most impactful way students can contribute to maintaining a safe school environment include:
  • Volunteer to serve on the safety committee 
  • Become advocates for programs/clubs that support a safe and healthy school climate 
  • Reduce conflict situations rather than making them worse. Practice good citizenship, and treat peers and staff with respect.
  • Report weapon possession, drug use or sale, bullying threats or intimidation, victimization, and/or vandalism to school authorities and parents.
  • Learn the consequences of alcohol, drug, and gun use and the methods for resisting alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Use this understanding to help other students avoid alcohol or drug use or seek help if they are already involved in alcohol or drugs.  We have a Prevention/Intervention Specialist on campus.  Julie Vanover can be reached at 954-  or via email at
  • Follow the school rules that are made for everyone, and recognize the consequences of violating the rules.
  • Encourage parents to come to the school and be involved in activities that support the school.

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