January 28-February 1
Visitors- We would like to ask all visitors to sign-in in the main office upon arrival. All visitors will be issued a pass to be worn while in the building. Visitors are not allowed in any other part of the building without a visitor pass. The Washougal High School main office is located to the right just after entering the front doors. If you are checking your student out, we want you to still do so from the main office.
Graduation Requirements-Successful completion of a one-semester course equals 0.5 credits. Students are responsible for the graduation requirements for the year in which they graduate. To earn a high school diploma, a student must:
- Earn high school credit (23 credits)
- Pass state tests or approved alternatives to those tests (HSPE and EOC)
- Complete the Culminating Project (Senior Project)
- Complete a High School and Beyond Plan
Snow Makeup Day will be 3/15/13-Friday March 15, 2013 will be a makeup day for the snow day on Friday January 4, 2013.
Parent Advisor Council (PAC)- Our next meeting will be Monday, January 28, 2013 starting at 6:30 pm in the library. We will be discussing facilities and Cyber Communication.
1st Semester Finals-Semester finals have arrived. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are dedicated to course finals. Students should be preparing for finals by studying at home. 1st semester grades will be posted by Wednesday, February 6, 2013 on Skyward for students and parents to review. Grades will be sent home with students and mailed home on February 12, 2013. I have included the finals schedule as well as additional information below:
Wednesday, January 30 Periods 1 & 2
Thursday, January 31 Periods 4 & 5
Friday, February 1 Periods 6 & 7
Students will have lunch from 10:55-11:25. All students will be released at 11:25 am on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Delete Cyberbullying-Cyberbullying can happen while using the Internet, cell phone, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Whether you’ve been a victim of cyberbullying, know someone who has been cyberbullied, or have even cyberbullied yourself, there are steps you can take to stop cyberbullying and stay cyber-safe. The following steps can help delete cyberbullying:
• Refuse to pass along cyberbullying messages
• Tell friends to stop cyberbullying
• Block communication with cyberbullies
• Report cyberbullying to a trusted adult (parent, WHS staff member)
Second Semester-Second semester begins on Monday, February 4. Second semester schedules will be given to students during their 5th period class on Thursday, January 31. Schedules are also available on Skyward.
February EOC Retakes-End of Course Exam (EOC) retakes will be offered at WHS February 6 & 7. Biology retakes will be on Wednesday starting at 7:55 am on February 6, 2013. Biology retakes are for current 10th graders who did not meet standard on last year’s Biology EOC. Math retakes will be in the auditorium starting at 7:55 am on February 7, 2013. If you have questions about your student taking he EOC math and/or biology exams please contact, the office at 954-3100.
Go Panthers!
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