We just completed our 4th week of the 2012-13 school year. I want to recap Homecoming Week and share some information about what is coming up.
Homecoming Week 2012
From my perspective Homecoming 2012 was a success. Students and staff dressed up all week. Our sports teams competed hard. We sent a team of students and staff to Ashland for the Shakespeare Festival and they returned inspired. We had a good Homecoming assembly on Friday during 3rd period where we recognized our Homecoming Court.
The football game was exciting and well attended. Unfortunately, the Panthers ran out of time, but we are proud of their effort as they fought until the end. Our band under the direction of Kelly Ritter sounded amazing. I had numerous individuals from Washougal as well as RA Long comment on how great our band sounded. The Grad Night committee barbequed burgers. The WHS Turf Campaign was available to answer questions and encourage support for the replacement of the fieldturf through purchasing. You can find out more by visiting their website at http://whsturfcampaign.com/ .
The Homecoming dance was well attended and the students were respectful, responsible and appeared to enjoy themselves. We had plenty of chaperones who were a tremendous help all night. Thank You Chaperones! Homecoming Week ended at about midnight Saturday when the commons was cleaned up and the last student was picked up. Special commendation to Jim Reed, Lorie Webb and the ASB students who did the majority of the planning, setting up and taking down. Thank you for all of your hard work!
Healthy Youth Survey
All 10th and 12th grade students will be participating in the 2012 State of Washington Healthy Youth Survey Monday, October 15 during their English and CWP classes.
The Healthy Youth survey includes questions related to physical activity and diet, unintentional and intentional injury, substance use, risk and protective factors, and access to school-based services. Survey results are used by schools, communities and state agencies to plan programs to support our youth and reduce their risks. Participation in the survey is voluntary and the students’ answers are anonymous.
For more information about the Healthy Youth Survey contact Julie Vanover, Prevention-Intervention Specialist at 954-3156
PSAT Testing for All 10th graders and 11th graders who are interested on October 17
October 17 we will be testing all 10th graders and interested 11th graders in the morning. The district funds the 10th graders PSAT test. 11th graders must register and pay in advance. We feel very fortunate that the district supports all of our 10th graders in taking the PSAT.
The PSAT (Prelimiary Standard Achievement Test) serves as practice for the SAT, commonly used in college admissions. It's a standardized test that provides hand-on practice for the SAT Reasoning Test. PSAT scores are intended to serve as prediction for scores on the real SAT (which is taken later). This makes the PSAT a valuable test to take because it can lead to higher results in evaluation for college admission. The PSAT assesses 10th and 11th grade students' verbal, math, and writing skills.
For more information about the PSAT feel free to contact WHS Counseling Center at 954-3126
Senior Project Approvals-October 3, 4 and 5
Seniors will be seeking approval for their Senior Projects Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week. If you have questions about our approval process, please contact Ann Jendro, Senior Project Coordinator at 954-3169. You can also contact your student’s English teacher for additional information about the Senior Project and Paper.
We want to remind all parents and students about excusing absences in a timely matter. For parents, when you view your student’s attendance on family access and you see either a “W” or “U” that represents an unverified or unexcused absence. Unexcused absences are not good. Unexcused absences lead to attendance agreements, detention after school and if not resolved, we file truancy with Clark County Truancy Court.
When a student is absent, it is the parent’s responsibility to either provide a note to be delivered to the attendance secretary or call our attendance secretary, Kay Ritter at 954-3115.
Punctuality Matters...Be on Time!
We continue to have too many students arriving late to school in the morning. When this happens students miss the first part of the class period. This is impactful not only to the student but to the class when students come to class late. We are also seeing too many tardies after lunch. It is typically the juniors and seniors who have off-campus passes.
If you are not sure if your student has any tardies view attendance history in family access and if you see either a “T” or a “L”, that represents a tardy. Each tardy represents 10 minutes of detention. Detention is served after school. If your student has been assigned detention, it will be noted under discipline in family access.
Arriving to school on time is important!
Parent-Student Conferences (October 29-November2)
Conference week is the last week of October. The entire week students will be released at 11:25 am. In order to make this week worthwhile, we are asking for your cooperation in attending conferences if you are invited or scheduling a conference if you are concerned.
Our focus will be on students who are failing multiple classes. This week we will be identifying those students who are failing multiple classes and begin scheduling conferences for Conference Week. Misty Young will be contacting parents in order to schedule multiple teacher conferences.
Parents can also request a conference. If you are interested in meeting with a single teacher, please contact that particular teacher. If you are interested in meeting with multiple teachers, please contact Misty Young at 954-3106 or via email at misty.young@washougasd.org. She will attempt to schedule the teachers you want to have present at a conference.
End of First Quarter
November 2 is the end of first quarter. We will be sending home with students progress reports sometime around the second week of November for the first 9 weeks. We want you to sign one copy and have your student return that copy to their 2nd period teacher. The grades at 9 weeks are not transcripted grades, but do reflect the grades at the midway point of the semester.
Discipline Referrals on Family Access
All of our discipline referrals are currently being entered in Skyward. Hopefully, you will also receive a phone call from either a teacher or administrator when a referral has been written. The electronic referral will include the offense as well as the action taken. The consequence varies depending of the infraction or offense. If you have questions or concerns regarding our discipline referral procedures or need clarification regarding a decision, please contact the office at 954-3100.
Senior Lounge Update
The furniture has arrived. Thank you Class of 2012 for the donation! The Senior Lounge is reserved for SENIORS from 7:30-2:25. This type of special treatment comes with expectations. Seniors need to take care of the Senior Lounge. They need to keep it clean and orderly.
Staff Commitment
The WHS staff is committed to the following goals:
Increase student performance on state assessments
Increase the number of students passing all classes each semester
Increase the graduation rate
Improve the WHS culture
We appreciate your support! Go Panthers!
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