Saturday, October 20, 2012

WHS Panther Recap, Update and Information-Week Eight

WHS Panther Recap, Update and Information-Week Eight

Week 7 Recap    
  • 10th and 12th graders completed the Healthy Youth Survey. 
  • Monday, the JV football team defeated Aberdeen's JV. During halftime there was a performance by the cheer camp participants and future panthers…great job WHS cheerleaders!  Unfortunately, the game time was moved at Aberdeen’s request and we didn’t updated our publications so several supporters were late arriving…..sorry for the miscommunication! We reviewed our process and will hopefully avoid those types of issues occurring in the future.
  • Tuesday, our soccer team had an amazing win over Ridgefield…..Great Job Girls!
  • Wednesday and Thursday our Golf team competed at districts.  We had two golfers qualify for state. Beau Scott and Bryce Samwell will be representing the Panthers at state in the spring….Great Job Beau and Bryce. 
  • Wednesday, 10th graders and interested 11th graders took the PSAT. We were very pleased with how hard all the students worked.  We also had our second PLC early release. PLC time gives staff an opportunity to work together on a variety of things. Course-alike teams, departments, and district teams meet to discuss instruction, alignment to state standards, etc.
  • Our Girls and Boys Cross Country teams won districts…Great Job X-Country!
  • Thursday  night, those in attendance had a great time at the Booo Note Cafe'.  Students from each grade level, staff members, alumni and several first-timers participated.  The next Blue note will be Thursday, December 14.
  •  Friday we had our best assembly of the year in which school spirit was tremendous.  The cheerleaders had a routine and demonstrated their amazing skills and hard work.  The band rocked the Fight Song as usually and got us all pumped up. 
Upcoming Events and Information

WHS Booster Club-Our next Booster meeting is Monday, October 22 from 6:00-7:00 in the WHS commons.  If you are interested in supporting WHS students or want to know more about the WHS Boosters please attend. Whether your student wants you to help or not, WE NEED YOUR HELP!  This is your chance to get involved with what is happening at WHS.  Let’s make WHS great together!

After School Help and Computer Availability-All teachers are available from 2:30-2:55 after school. It is best if students communicate with their teacher(s) to schedule after school assistance. The WGIL (Whole Group Instruction Lab) is available after school from 2:30-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday if your student wants to use a computer.  The Career Center (7 computers) is available from 2:30-3:30 pm, Monday-Friday.  The library is available from 2:30-3:00 pm, Monday-Friday.

Math and Skyward Support For Parents-We will be offering support for parents during conference week, Thursday, November 1 from 6:00-7:00 pm in the library.  This will be a chance for interested parents to see all of the math resources provided by our new math textbook.  We will be assisting parents with logging into skyward as well.  We will also be offering a math training session and skyward assistance for parents Thursday, November 1 from 2:00-3:30 pm in the library.  Parents who are looking for an Algebra refresher course or support please visit:  You will find it to be helpful.

Conference Week is coming up the week October 29-November 2.   All students will be released at 11:25 a.m. during conference week. For all students, lunch will be from 10:55-11:25.  If you are interested in meeting with a teacher, please contact that teacher to set up a conference (  If you want to meet with multiple teachers, please contact Misty Young at 954-3106 and she will attempt to set up a multiple teacher conference.  Ms. Mackey, 10th and 12th grade counselor will be meeting with all seniors during conference week.  Seniors need to make sure to meet with Ms. Mackey during that week…not optional.

Washougal is on the map with its fall DRAMA production-This fall, WHS is producing 44 Plays for 44 Presidents, a fast-paced and exciting look into the lives and careers of the men who have held the nation’s highest office.  Don’t miss a chance to both see and be part of history! 44 Plays for 44 Presidents runs October 26-27 and November 2-3 in the Washburn Auditorium at 7:00 p.m.. Tickets are only $5 for adults and $3 for students. Don’t miss it!

Parent Advisory Council-Our next meeting will be October 29 starting at 6:30 pm in the library.  We will be discussing the WHS School Improvement Plan.   If you want to know more about PAC, please click on the following link:  
We are looking for individuals who want to commit to helping make WHS great.

Family Access-If you are not aware of Family Access, please contact Ann Jendro at 954-3169.  Mrs. Jendro can provide you with your username and password so you can access your student’s academic progress.  It is very important that you are familiar with your student’s progress.  Family access is a link on our website or you can simple go to Family Access.

Stuff the Bus-November 19 we will be officially collecting non-perishable items for the annual Stuff the Bus event.  The final weigh-in will take place the evening of December 7. This is an amazing opportunity for the Washougal School District community. If you are not familiar with the event, the we collect thousands of pounds of food to the Children's Home Society.  If you are interested in helping or want to know more about Stuff the Bus visit the following website: l

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